Thursday, November 18, 2010

Landscaping Update

If you remember last June I wrote in a post titled “Under the Weather” I talked about some of the landscaping change we’re making around the condo.  Well we’re finally making progress.

The roses are planted.


We did some transplanting and added a Meyer Lemon tree to the slope on the side of the house.


It already has some blooms on it.  We should have lemons by next spring.  Perfect timing.  We moved some plants to create a pathway to the water facet.


There was a beautiful evergreen plant that produced blue flowers. We still don’t know the official name of the plant.  However, every time it started to bloom, the gardeners would trim it back.  So moving it so it will spill down the slope will allow the flower to bloom completely.  It’s just behind the hanging plants.


So now I all need is some pavers to the get cleanly to the facet, and build a trellis to the left of the roses behind the Heavenly Bamboo.  A good post holiday project.  I’ll keep you informed of our progress.

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